Linköping University and Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) invites you to the 4th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology (NDP2016) November 8-9, 2016. The symposium has been greatly appreciated by the attendees as a venue for health care and science to meet and discuss clinical experiences as well as state-of-the-art techno­logy in the field. The symposium will be held at Linköping Konsert & Kongress, Linköping, Sweden.


The symposium will have two keynote speakers with outstanding experience in the field:

  • Professor Richard Levenson, MD, PhD, UC Davis Medical Center, California
  • Ole Eichhorn, Founder and CEO eyesFinder, California, Former founding CTO of Aperio

The program includes a number of invited talks where you will learn about leading efforts in digital pathology, spanning from clinical implementation to the future possibilities of image analysis.

o   Professor Arvydas Laurinavicius, MD, PhD, Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania

o   Associate Professor Peter van Ooijen, PhD, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

o   Associate Professor Johan Hartman, MD, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

o   Brendan Devlin, MD, former Lead Radiologist for province-wide Northern Ireland radiology digitization, UK

In the morning of the 9th there will be breakfast seminars hosted by the exhibitors. The exhibition will be open during the whole symposium and the exhibition hall is located next to the auditorium.

For the full program visit www.ndp2016.se

Science & Innovation session

The symposium will also include a Science & Innovation session open for contributions. A core part is a poster session targeting recent or ongoing scientific and/or clinical efforts in digital pathology. Top contributions will also be offered the possibility to be published as papers in the Journal of Pathology Informatics.

The abstract deadline for posters is September 8. Please send your contribution to marie.ahnstrom.waltersson@liu.se

For more information and registration visit www.ndp2016.se

For questions please contact marie.ahnstrom.waltersson@liu.se